Wednesday, May 11, 2011


So I'm one of the many people who tends to drive 5-10 over the speed limit. No big deal. But the other day as I was driving home from work I started to wonder why I do this. I wondered this mainly because from time to time I tell myself I will no longer speed or at least keep it within 5 mph and inevitably 15 minutes later I look down and I'm going about 8 over.

My first thought was, I just must enjoy driving faster. But then when I really thought about it I can't really tell a difference between 70 and 75 mph. Also when I had a much speedier car and was on long stretches of open two lane road on the way to Manhattan and passing folks I would get up to 90-100 and really it made me more nervous then anything. The nerves come from both the worry of a police officer coming over that next hill to throw me in jail and also the risk of dying in a fiery crash due to my own recklessness/stupidity. So I'm definitely sure that the reason I speed is not due to the love of it.

My second thought was that I'm competitive and I don't like people passing me. Which this may have something to do with it but in all actuality I'm not really that competitive unless I think I should win but truly there are no winners in driving home and if there were I know I'm going to win my drive home since I'm more then likely going to beat the person next to me to my own house. (Although at times I do wonder if people are following me or if they think I'm following them but that's beside the point). So ultimately this may have a little to do with but really isn't the reason.

Then I got down to it with my third and final thought. I really don't like sitting in a car. When I drive there is usually some sort of purpose behind it. I'm usually heading somewhere and I'm usually going there because I want to see someone or get something. For the most part when I get something in my mind I just want to go for it and get it done. Somethings I get excited about and something I just want to get done. Either way this time in a car is a waste for me so in turn I go as fast as I think I can get away with without getting in trouble.

There you have it a useless blog about why I usually speed. Hope you enjoyed.